Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day Twenty-Seven

The first stop today was supposed to be the Badlands, but on my way there I saw signs for Dinosaur Park, which I sort of but not really tried to find last night in the dark, to no avail. So OF COURSE I went to the Dinosaur Park, marking my second foray into dinos on this trip.

It was about the same as Cabazon. There were five dinosaurs, all painted in the same color scheme. But whatever! It was free.

I then actually headed toward the Badlands, which is the 15th and final National Park on my trip. I didn't know what to expect, since Petrified Forest had its own badlands. These badlands were bigger and… badder? I don't know. I liked these more.

Great colors.


PRAIRIE DOGS. (Sort of blurry because they were far away and if you got close, they hid in their hidey-holes.)

More Badlands things that have nothing to do with dogs.

These cars were sort of following me. I'm not sure why people decided to drive Ferraris into the Badlands, but it was okay with me.

More Badlands.

After leaving the Badlands, I stopped at my (I think) favorite roadside attraction so far: Carhenge in Alliance, Nebraska. I just loved the weirdness of it all. Here are a few shots.

Just some dudes playing their DSes.

And more cars, less dudes.

My final stop for the day before getting to my hotel in Denver was at Chimney Rock, which is also in Nebraska. I got there after the visitor center closed, so there wasn't much to do. But here's pictures.

Tomorrow I'm just hanging around Denver, doing some little things, then going to the Rockies game at 6:40. Then, I'm driving east through Kansas until I get tired, then getting to Kansas City the next day.

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