Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day Nineteen

I had a slow morning this morning because I had plans in Santa Monica, but the crux of them didn't happen until the afternoon, and I didn't really wanna wander around LA for a whole morning without any real destination. I left my friend's place around 11 and headed over to Santa Monica, where I had another highly-recommended burger, this time at The Counter. The Counter's big thing is "build your own burger," where you choose what you want for every step. I went with carne asada, which was pretty good, but I should have gone with beef to see how it stacked up against the other burgers on my trip. I WON'T MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN.

I then drove to the Copro Gallery in Santa Monica for a Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me exhibit. It was really, really cool. Probably about 40 pieces of art, all inspired by the series and movie. My favorite was "Red Room" by Dan Quintana, which is the first picture here. The rest are just ones I took.

That's some damn fine pie.

The owls are not what what they seem.

After the gallery, I drove down to the Santa Monica pier, which was sorta reminiscent of the boardwalks in New Jersey, but with more weirdos. As such, it was cool.

There was this dude. I don't know what he was doing with the stuff he had.

There was this lady with weird face paint and a weird jar and weird music.

Then there was this lady with two snakes.

Then I got some pinkberry frozen yogurt. Fresh peach with strawberries!

I drove over to my friend's place and we went to the Dodgers / Giants game. I was excited to see Tim Lincecum pitch for the Giants, even though he hasn't been great this year. He sorta got rocked in the fourth inning and only wound up pitching five. The Dodgers won, though, which was cool. Home teams are 3-0 in the games I've been to on this trip. Can Oakland make it 4-0 tomorrow night?

Dodger dog! Garlic fries! Coke, no ice! (Shout out to Chad Ochocinco for his drink of choice.)

A few continuous shots of one of Lincecum's pitches. Love fast shutter speeds.

My main Giant, Buster Posey. I think he had an RBI single this at-bat.

Good old Matt Kemp. Chants of M-V-P couldn't help him not go 0/5. Oh well.

Pictures of Scott Van Slyke's first major league at-bat. Broken bat RBI single! The start of something great?

I'm leaving LA early tomorrow, driving up the Pacific Coast Highway, and winding up in Oakland for A's / Tigers game. Then, depending on how I decide, it's either off to San Fran for the morning or straight to Redwood, which would mean I can also see Crater Lake. I'm leaning toward the latter option right now. ONLY TIME WILL TELL.

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